Create a cohesive vision for your family that aligns your values and dreams.

Client Facing Services

  • The intersection between our feelings and money can significantly impact our money behaviors. I work with clients to gain insight into their relationship to money and how it shows up in their marriages and families.

    This service is only offered to Texas and Virginia Residents*

  • Take your estate plan a step further by creating an ethical will. Together, we'll explore your values, beliefs, and the legacy you'd like to leave to your loved ones. Ethical wills focus on the "intangibles" you'd like to pass on and can include photos, stories, recipes, hopes and dreams for loved ones, and other things.

    This process involves 2-90 minute meetings in which we'll plan and construct your ethical will document.

  • Families benefit from establishing an understanding of the values and beliefs that guide financial decision making. Couples and families who have a solid understanding of their shared values experience more cohesion in their relationships.

    I work with couples and families to create a family money story, mission and vision statements, establish family money meetings, and create a family constitution.

    The basic family governance process involves 4-5 meetings spanning 3-6 months to construct the aforementioned family governance structures and establish the final product of a family constitution.

  • For family enterprises, the establishment and maintenance of a family council is paramount to the longevity and success of not only the family business, but family relationships as well.

    In this service, I add on to the family governance services I provide by assisting your family business to address the unique relational needs that exist in family enterprises.

    These services include creating a family council and guidelines for handling relational concerns within the family business, establishing protocol for family employees, creating educational resources for training next generation leaders in the organization, and other service specific to the unique needs of each family business.