Consultation Services and Packages

Adding a ‘Family Success Officer’ to your firm can help bridge the gap between the facts and figures of a financial plan and the implementation of a plan through illuminating the emotional and relational factors that influence clients' money mindsets and impact decision making within families.

Feel free to explore the following packages and services curated to enhance your relationships to your clients, improve implementation, and set your firm apart from others by addressing your clients’ needs holistically.


This package includes hourly consultation meetings scheduled as needed.

See service descriptions below for more information.


This package includes:

  • 6 hours of case consultation per quarter

  • One quarterly professional development workshop based on the firm's needs


This package includes

  • 12 hours of case consultation per quarter,

  • One professional development workshop per quarter

  • Client intake services for 2 clients per quarter


This package includes:

  • 20 hours of case consultation per quarter

  • Quarterly (or Monthly) professional development workshops

  • 10 hours per quarter of ongoing client facing services (Client Intakes, family meetings,...etc)

Service Descriptions

  • These are one-on-one virtual meetings with me to discuss specific concerns with cases you have.

    I will offer insights into relational, emotional, and behavioral factors that may be contributing to challenges you may be facing with clients financial behaviors (spending habits, couples conflict, financial planning...etc). I'll share questions to ask and skills to use to address the needs of your clients and build a solid financial advisory relationship.

  • I provide educational workshops for firms and advisors on topics related to my areas of expertise including:

    • Working with Couples

    • Financial Trauma

    • Attending Skills

    • Cultural Considerations in the Financial Planning Relationship

    As a part of the packages above, professional development workshop topics are curated to meet the specific needs of the firm.

  • A significant part of a successful Advisor-Client relationship is understanding your clients needs. You certainly have your own onboarding process for your clients to get to know them and get an idea of their financial needs and goals. This specific service offers you the opportunity to gather a deeper understanding of your client's money attitudes, feelings, and beliefs and how those may impact the advisory relationship.

    With this service, I meet with a specific client (individual, couple, family) for approximately 90 minutes (more time is necessary for couples and families) to administer formal and informal assessments about beliefs about money and the clients relationships to money. Based on the information I gather in this assessment session, I compile a client profile for the advisor that includes considerations to take in the financial planning process.

  • These services can be determined by the needs of the firm but can include:

    • Family Governance Services-Working with clients with family businesses to establish processes to facilitate multigenerational enterprise success

    • Family Meetings- I work with family clients through family meetings to help family members talk about money, set and achieve relational goals related to their financial goals, and explore and process relational issues that may be inhibiting progress toward financial goals.

    • Next Generation education-I help families develop age appropriate financial literacy engagement for parents and children

    • Organize and lead multi-generational family council meetings and retreats for family enterprises.

Add-On Services

These services can be added to any of the above packages or can be offered as a stand-alone service.

  • This service includes an assessment of the firm's current intake practices and understanding of clients' relationships with money.

    The process of this service includes:

    • An initial meeting with the firm's owner to assess needs

    • Reviewing of the current processes, potential observation of client onboarding process

    • Consolidation/aggregation of my recommendations

    • Presentation of my recommendations to the firm owner and advisors related to improving onboarding practices

  • Outcome research is an excellent marketing tool. With this service, I meet with you to establish an understanding of what you would like to be examined, then I develop a research protocol based on your needs and conduct a study, utilizing evidence based qualitative and quantitative study designs and data analysis procedures to provide research-backed statements to set your firm apart from others and help you best serve your clients.

Enhance your firm with expert knowledge in family relationships.